Care For Your Smile
Committed To Excellence

Tooth whitening is a common aesthetic procedure in general dentistry which is used to give brilliance to the tooth. A child's milk teeth are generally whiter than the adult teeth that follow and this is caused by any of the following factors: Aging, Colored drinks (Red wine, Coffee, Tea),
Crowns and Bridges
Crowns are an ideal way to rebuild teeth which have been broken, or which have been weakened by decay or a very large filling. The crown fits over the remaining part of the tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape and the

Committed To Excellence
Personalized & Comfortable

Root canal treatment (sometime referred to as endodontics) is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is infected through decay or injury.
Dentures are Prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth. Dentures are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.

Care For Lifetime
Let Us Brighten Your Smile

We provide a variety of Dental Implant treatments ranging from placing single tooth to full mouth implants and in cases of inadequate bone we are also able to place bone grafts. Summit Dental Clinic Dental Practice is the perfect setting to have your implant surgery done.

We NEVER compromise on quality! We procure the best materials for our procedures from all over the world. This is to ensure you get the best.

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    Springfield Dental
    Specialized Team

    At Springfield Dental Clinic Dental Practice our team offers a full range of general dental procedures from hygienist care and fillings to root canal treatment, dental implants plus everything in between.

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    Springfield Dental

    At Springfield Dental Clinic, we offer industry best services in a very friendly environment to ensure that you step out smiling.


      A team of dentists working to ensure you receive the best treatment.

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